
El Alhambra3

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago








NAME-Where did the name Alhambra come from?

            The name "Alhambra" originates from the name of a man in Granada. It was named after Mohammed ibn Yusuf ben Nasr, better known as the Alhamar, king of the Nasrid Kingdom. They used the name Alhamar, but just changed the ending, for reasons unknown.

When was the Alhambra built and how long did it take to complete?

The Alhambra's enclosing walls were constructed around an estimated 1273 to 1303.

Between 1333 and 1354, Yusuf the First decorated and expanded the Alhambra.


 PEOPLE-Who is associated with this landmark? What is their importance?

    The landmark is associated with king Mohammed ibn Yusuf ben Nasr, who is the king of the Nasrid kingdom. He organized the buildi9ng of this landmark. Like we said before the king was given the title alhamar, alhambra is named after the title.


HISTORY-What did this landmark serve in the past?

    The Alcazba served as a fortified keep to defend agasint invaders, and as a luxury residence.  It served as a palace for kings of islamic faith.  It had a citadel, palace complex, and residential annex.  It is a undisputed masterpiece of Islamic art.


Architecture-What style is the building and what time period was it built in?

    It is built in the islamic style of art, it measured 740 by 220 meters (35 acres).  Its style was typical of ninth century buildings.  It was a marvelous building modeling the Islamic palaces and mosques of Muslim rule in Spain.  It emphasized privacy and inclusion.


CONTENT-What is in the building itself?

    One of the most outstanding figures is the Court of Lions, it has a central fountain with an albater basin at the top is twelve marble lions.  There are several large halls, resdencial areas, and the Alcazba as a fortified keep.  The gardens are more extravagant then the building itself.  Plants and many fountains are in harmony.



















works cited

"History of the Alhambra."  Know the Alhambra.  Desarollo web. March 5, 2007. http://www.alhambra.org/eng/i ndex.asp?secc= /alhambra/history_alhambra



"Alhambra." Dictionary of the Middle Ages. 13 vols. American Council of Learned Societies. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1989. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group. http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/History/


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