Castile Leon - El acueducto de Segovia. A marvel of engineering and the legacy of Rome.
"Symbol of Great Pride for the Spanish People"
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1. Origin of Name: El acueducto de Segovia's name is nothing significant. Literally translated from Spanish to English this means The Aqueduct of Segovia.
2. People Associated: El aqueducto de Segovia was built by the Roman's. It took many people to build this great irrigation structure therefore no one unique lived there or was buried there.
3. Time Period: El acueducto of Segovia was built during what was known as the Roman Flavio time period. This was around the late first century to the early second century. It took around 40 years to build this magnificent structure.
4. El Aqueducto Then vs. Now: This great acueduct stood as a great irrigation system as well as a masterful engineering display. Aroung 80 years ago contaminated water was found within the aqueduct and it was emptied of all the water. Today it still remains the #1 tourist attraction of Segovia as a city and state.
5. Defining Culture: Many great civilizations at the time were looking for irrigation systems. At the time not many places had great irrigation systems. The closest attempts were by the people currently in the Middle East. However the Roman's built this one is Segovia to show their superiority. It is a symbol of great pride for the Spanish. Also it shows that the Romans were an agricultural dependent society.
In the province of Segovia, region of Castile Leon, and city of Segovia there is a old town influenced by the Roman culture. It is located between the channels of rivers called Eresma and Clamores. This landmark helps define the culture of this region by illustrating how well the people of the region can engineer and shows the Roman culture influence in the region.
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El aqueducto de Segovia
El aqueducto de Segovia-Part 2
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