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El arbol de Guernica

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

The Basque Country- El árbol de Guernica

By:  Evan McLean and Stephen Sierant


 El árbol de Guernica. (On-line image). Avaliable Feb.25





Name - Why is it called what it is called? Named after someone? Word origin?


It was called the tree of Guernica because it is an important landmark to the city and the Basques since the Lord of Biscay declared equal treatment of the Basques.


People- Famous people associated with this landmark? Who built it? Who lived there? Who died there? Who is buried there?


The famous people who were associated with this landmark is Lord of Biscay declared equal treatment of the Basques under this tree.


Time period- Dates of importance?


The Trees started was first planted in 1300s and they have lived for about 450yrs. The last tree died in 2004 and new tree was planted in 2005


History present/past- How did it change?


The first tree died in 1892 and the truck of that tree was placed into a gazebo in the surronding area. Then the lastest tree was planted in 2005 after the old one died.


Regional Importance- How does this landmark relfect or help define the culture of this region and/or Spain as a whole?


This landmark is a symbol of the Basque independence since the Lord of Biscay delcared the equal treatment of the Basques.



El árbol de Guernica. (On-line image). Avaliable Feb. 25




Geography of the Basque Country


"The map of the Basque Country"(on-line image) Avaliable March 1st





The Basque Country stands in the North part of Spain. It occupies an area of 7261 square kilometres and with a population of 2159701 inhabitants. The Basque Country's northern border is made up the Mediterranean sea with steep coastal cliffs. The western border of the Basque Country of Spain touches the Pyrenees mountian chain. The southern and eastern borders of the Basques are considerably lower hieghts compared to the rest of the region. The major river that flows throughout the Basque Country is the Ebra river.  A large portion the Bosque country consist of rich farm land. The vegation is lushes.



 "Physical Map of Spain" (online image) Avaliable March 1st





Stephen's recipie-Paella



"Basque Paella" (online image) Avaliable March 1st



Original Basque Paella
The classic world known dish gets it's intense flavors 
from the Old World Basque Kitchen 


3 Tbsp. olive oil

1 lb. med. raw shrimp (peeled with tail on)

1 1/2 lb. clams, washed (in shell)

1 lb. mussels, washed (in shell)

1/2 lb. squid (cleaned)

6-8 baby octopus (cleaned)

1/2 tsp. thyme

1/2 tsp oregano

dash crushed red pepper

dash fresh ground black pepper

1 tsp. salt



1/4 cup olive oil

2 lb. Lamb stew meat (cut into med. cubes)

1 large whole yellow onion, chopped

4 cloves minced garlic

2 red bell peppers (large cubed)

1 green bell pepper


Rice Base:

3 Tbsp. Olive Oil

2 1/2 cups short grain rice (Italian, spanish, or Californian)

2 1/2 cups Chicken stock

1/4 tsp saffron (freshly pulverized in mortar & pestle)


2 Avocadoes (thinly sliced lengthwise)

Lemon wedges

- Preheat Oven to 375

In large med-hi preheated skillet, add oil, seafood, and seasonings. Stir occasionally till light brown. Remove and leave juices.

In same pan, add sofrito ingredients. Sautee till light brown. Remove and leave juices.

Add oil and rice only, stirring till rice becomes slightly browned. Add chicken stock, continue to stir and cook for 10 more minutes. Turn off heat source. Add saffron. Add in soffrito mixture. Stir once.

Place rice mixture in bottom of 12-14 inch Paella dish (use an 8 Qt. ceramic casserole if you do not have one). Spread evenly. Place seafood mixture evenly atop the rice.

Bake in oven for 40-50 minutes. Do not stir once in oven.

Remove from oven, and cover for 10 minutes (allowing to steam). Fan avocado slices (lengthwise) around perimeter of pan. Serve in pan at table with frsh lemon slices on each person's plate.



Evan's recipe- Basque Flan

 "Flan"(online image) Avaliable March 1st

1/2 cup sugar                              6 eggs
4 cups milk 1 tsp vanilla
1 cup sugar 1 tsp nutmeg
pinch of salt

On top of stove, brown 1/3 cup pf sugar in a 3" deep and 5 cup capacity pan, set aside.

Beat the eggs, add milk, sugar, vanilla, nutmeg and salt, stir well. Do not beat after adding milk. Pour into the prepared pan, set this in a pan of warm water and place in oven at 325 degrees and bake for 1 hour




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