Aragon- El Pilar y el dia de la Hispanidad
By: Julia, Sadia and Viola

El Pilar. (On-line image). Available <>. February 13, 2007
1. People- What famous person(s) are associated with this landmark?
A famous person associated with this landmark is the Virgin Mary
2. Regional Importance- How does this landmark reflect or help define the culture of this region and/or Spain as a whole?
This landmark reflect or helps define the culture of this region and/or Spain as a whole because at this site the major groups of people lived: Arabs, Christians and Romans. Aragon, where El Pilar is located, was a Mediterranean power that ruled Greece, Italy and Sicily. Aragon also helped forge the Spanish identity together with Castile. El Cid, the great hero of Spain, came from Aragon.

Maria del Pilar. (On-line image). Available <>. February 13, 2007
3. Architecture -The basilica El Pilar was built in 1681 on the site of a previous Visgothic church.
It has one big central dome and 9 more domes around it. Moreover it has 4 tall towers and is fronted by a big square. Fountains and statues can be found everywhere around the building and in the inside. In the inside are many different chapels, which all have their own style. The basilica is also famous for its impressive paintings and carvings by Goya, who was a great painter and etcher during the 18th century in Spain. He was known for his realistic scenes in battles, bullfights and human corruption.
4. Time Period: When was El Pilar built?
El Pillar was built in 1681.
5. History: What did El Pilar used to be?
El Pilar was originally built to remember the famous appearance of the El Pilar. She appeared on the old site of the Visigoth church of Santa Maria. The appearance occurred to the Apostle, James.
Geography of Aragon
Aragon is formed by three different areas. These areas include: the central Pyrenees, the Ebro depression and the Iberian Mountain Range. The Pyrenees have snow. The Pyrenees extend southward into the Ebro river basin. The Ebro depression is the area located between the Iberian Mountain Range and the central Pyrenees. The climate/vegetation of the Ebro depression is desert. There are constant northwest winds called Cierzo in the Ebro depression. The general climate of Aragon is very cold in winter and very hot in summer and very little rainfall. Some of the land of Aragon is being cultivated. A variety of crops are grown here such as grapes, olives, wheat and some fruit.
Aragon. (On-Line Image). Available <>. February 26, 2007.
Migas Aragonesas
1 loaf day old bread
1 longaniza sausage, chopped
1 onion, chopped
olive oil
1 bunch of grapes
Tear the bread into bite-size pieces. Sprinkle with water and separate.
Fry the onion on a mixture of butter and olive oil, when soft add the bread and the longaniza sausage. Fry, turning, until the bread is golden but not burnt. Mix with grapes and serve.

Migas Aragonesas. (On-line Image). Available <>.
Salad with nuts, cheese tomatoes and honey vinaigrette
mixed lettuces
1 bunch of green onion, chopped.
1 oz. pinenuts
2 oz. walnuts
1 lb cheese
1 salad tomato
3 tbsp. honey
extra-virgin olive oil
apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper
For the vinaigrette
Combine the honey and the vinegar in a small saucepan and heat. Adjust ammounts of vinegar and honey until you have a sweet but not overpowering combination. Remove from the heat and cool. Add salt, pepper and olive oil to taste. Mix.
For the salad
Wash, dry and cut lettuce leaves. Arrange at the bottom of a salad bowl. Add the green onion, the walnuts and pinenuts. Add the vinaigrette.
Thinly slice the tomato. Sprinkle salt and pepper and cover with a cheese slice. Broil until the cheese melts. Add the tomato slices to the salad and serve.

Salad(on-line image). Available <>.
Aragon-style rice pudding
1 wine glass measure of pudding rice
1 ltr milk
9 tbsps sugar
3 eggs
1 strip lemon peel
1 stick cinnamon and ground cinnamon
pinch salt
1. Put the rice (unwashed) in a pot, cover with water, add a pinch of salt and bring to the boil. Boil for 5 minutes until the water has been absorbed. Then cover the rice with milk and add the cinnamon stick and lemon peel. Stir well with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes creamy. On a very low heat, gradually add the milk, stirring from time to time. And after the milk, add the sugar, stirring again from time to time. Now cover and simmer gently for about 1 - 1.5 hours.
2. Separate the eggs, and in a large bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff. Beat the yolks and mix gently into the whites.
3. Remove the lemon peel and cinnamon stick from the cooked rice, and stir in the egg mixture. Pour into a deep serving bowl or individual bowls and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

Aragon Style Rice Pudding. (On-line Image). Avalaibe <>.
Works Cited
"Aragon." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 26 Feb. 2007 <>.
Ideal Spain. 2000-2006. Ideal guides Limited. 13 Feb. 2007. <>.
“Zaragoza city: Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar.” Javier Mendivil Navarro, Aragon
(Spain). 2006.<
Wernecke, Clark. “El Pilar.” Belize First Magazine.1998.
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