Name - Why is it called what it is called? Named after someone? Word origin?
El Pilar, or pillar, symbolizes the strength of the Catholic Church, and heaven and earth's unity.
People- Famous people associated with this landmark? Who built it? Who lived there? Who died there? Who is buried there?
El Pilar is a church. It was built in 40 A.D. by Saint James the Greater when he was asked to by the Virgin, during his mission to convert Spain into Christianity.
Time period- When was it built? How long did it take to complete? Dates of important events? Any relevant history attached to this monument?
The history of the festival of Pilar, or Fiesta del Pilar began in 40 A.D. when the apostle Saint James the Greater, came to Spain on his mission to convert the pagan country to Christianity. On the second of January, he was asked to build a church by the Virgin, and today it is known as teh Basilica del Pilar
History- Present/Past- What is it now?What was it then? Why did it change? has history changed its use and why?
El Pilar is now known as the Basilica del Pilar. It is a church made by Saint James in the year 40 A.D. and still remains so.
Regional Importance - How does this landmark reflect or help define the culture of this region and/or Spain as a whole?
El Pilar reflects centuries of history, fait and devotion. And now, it is a foundation for several festivals and celebrations. Today, the dances, music, theater, parades, and flowers show the Spanish culture during the Fiesta del Pilar.
Geographical Features - El Pilar de Basilica is a Catholic Church, located in the grand city of Zaragoza, which resides within the region, Aragon of Spain. Aragon is in the northeastern area of Spain thus resulting in expansive climate range of both extremes. Temperatures vary greatly between the scorching hot summers with heat up to 104 degrees Farenheit (40 degrees Celcius) to the blistering cold winters with harsh winds. The city of Zaragoza itself is located on the banks of the river Ebro as well and its tributaries, the Huerva and Gállego. The city is planted in the center of the Aragon region, in a great valley. The valley has a variety of landscapes ranging from arid deserts (Los Monegros) to lush forests, meadows, and mountains.
Aragon Stew Recipe
Ready in 5 hours.
Serves/Makes: 8
1 pound white beans
1 onion
2 whole cloves
1 carrot
1 sprig parsley
1/3 cup olive oil
1 onion
2 baked and peeled peppers
2 cloves garlic
2 sprigs parsley
1 pound cod
1 pound potatoes
1 bunch chard
Soak beans and codfish overnight (separately). The next morning cover the beans with fresh water and boil together with the onion stuck with cloves, carrot and parsley.
When the beans soften, add the onion, garlic, pepper and parsley previously fried in the oil. Add the cod, potatoes and chopped chard. Allow to simmer for at least 1 hour. Serve with fried bread and red peppers.
This recipe for Aragon Stew serves/makes 8

Apricot Couscous Recipe
Ready in: < 30 minutes
Serves/Makes: 6
2 cups dry couscous
1/2 cup diced dried apricots (preferably Turkish)
3 cups boiling water
1 teaspoon salt
In a medium-size baking dish, stir together couscous and apricots. Mix boiling water and salt in a measuring cup. Pour over couscous, and immediately cover the dish with foil. Let stand until liquid is absorbed, about 5 minutes.
Remove foil, and fluff couscous with a fork. If you need to keep it warm, place couscous in a low oven until ready to serve.
This recipe for Apricot Couscous serves/makes 6

"LA FIESTA DEL PILAR ." Celebration of the Fiesta del Pilar . 02 Feb 2007 . Escuela Internacional Central Registration Office . 13 Feb 2007
El Pilar. (On-line image). Available <www.carmelitasdescalzas.net/zaragozateresa/> February 13, 2007
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