
El Toboso and windmills

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago


El Toboso y Molino de Viento con Don Quijote                                                           Ki Ha Chang y Maher Abou-Rass

1. People- Famous people associated with this landmark?

The author is Miguel de Cervantes. He was born in 1547-1616. The title and main character is Don Quixote.  

2. History- Present/Past- What was it? Did it change? If so, why?

It was a book about a man named Don Quixote who goes on adventures and one time he mistakes windmills for giants.    

3. Influence – What influenced Don Quixote to go on adventures?

Don Quixote’s determination to bring back honor to the knights of long ago.  

4. Regional Importance - How does this landmark reflect or help define the culture of this region and/or Spain as a whole?

Don Quijote was a national hero for Spain and was a huge mark for Spain. This will show that Spain is a strong country and will stand strong and accomplish things that may seem impossible.

5.Time period- When was it built?  How long did it take to complete?  Dates of important events?  Any relevant history attached to this monument?

Don Quijote was born in the year of 1605. His charge toward the honoring of the knights came throughout the 16th centry. The length of this accomplishment is unknown.Your browser may not support display of this image.

Don Quijote (On-Line image). Avaliable February 13 2007 <http://ic.net/~erasmus/DonQuixote.jpg>  


Windmills (On-Line Image). Avaliable February 26 2007 <www.virtualflorist.com/en/act/item/?i=248>


 Geography of El Toboso and Windmills

Recipe numero uno:

Honey on hojuelas



Ingredients for 8 people: ½ kg of wheat flour 6 eggs 1 glass of brandy 4 soperas spoonfuls of olive oil 200 gr. of honey you leave

To place the flour in the work surface, and to make a hollow in center; to add the eggs, the brandy, you leave and the amount of water necessary to turn this mixture one papilla thickens. In a frying pan with the very hot oil, to throw a spoonful well of this paste, extending it so that it covers the bottom with the same one. When hojuela is gilded on the one hand, the return occurs him so that it is gilded by the other. Once gilded by both sides to remove, to slip on paper absorbent and to cover with a fine layer of honey.


Honey On Hojuelas (ON-line image) Avaliable February 28 2007 < www.cocinacocinas.com/hojuelas-super-ricas.php>

Recipe numero dos:

Chicken broth manchego with eggs

Ingredients for 4 people: 6 eggs 4 large ripe tomatoes 2 large onions 2 fleshy green peppers 2 medium-sized courgettes 1 red pepper 100g cured ham in small pieces (optional) virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon of sugar salt

Peel the onions; remove the stalks and the seeds from the peppers; scrape some of the peel off the courgettes without actually peeling them and scald the tomatoes to remove the skins. Then cut all these vegetables into cubes. Put a deep frying pan or earthenware dish on the heat. Cover the base with oil and sauté the ham, if you want to add this to the dish. Add the onion and the peppers and lightly fry everything for about 8 minutes, without stopping stirring with the skimming ladle. Add the courgette and, when this is also cooked, add the tomatoes. Mix well and allow the ratatouille to cook over a low heat for about another 20 minutes. Ten minutes before the end, put in a little sugar to counteract the acidity of the tomatoes and salt, to taste.

Serve in a dish, with the eggs fried around it, or in the earthenware dish, with the eggs solidified in the oven. In the latter case, you will have to put the ratatouille in for the last few minutes with the eggs on top until the whites solidify and it is ready to serve.


Chicken Broth in Manchego (On-line image) Avaliable February 28 2007 <thepassionatecook.typepad.com/.../index.html>



        The book DonQuijote is about a Spanish hero named Don Quijoe. He is a old man, maybe a little crazy, but he is a mission to bring back glory tothe knights. He goes on many adventures in attempt to accomplish this arduous task. This may sound like a story that is meant to be very serious, even true,but the author Cervantes wrote this book to be a parody. This story all takes place in the 16th centry in the territory of Castile la Mancha. Castile La Mancha is in the center of Spain. La Mancha is a extended flat surface with some mountain rages that exspaded across this region. Within La Mancha there are five territories: Toledo, Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Albacete, and Guadalajara.


Regions of Spain (On-line image) Avaliable February 28 2007 <www.nitc.qub.ac.uk/general/donq.htm>






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