

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Spanish Culture Landmark Project


 Covadonga Cathedral. (On-line image). Available <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:CovadongaCathedral2.jpg> February 13, 2007



This Wiki will be used to post your research and images of your Spanish landmarks



Landmarks of Spain


Part 1


  1. Give your page a heading with the name of monument and region.  Include your names.
  2. Create a question from 5 of the 8 prompts below.  You may do all of part of the question(s).


     Answer your own question. (all must do #8)

     Write the bolded topic and question before your 3-4 sentence answer in English

          Example:   History- Past/Present - How did the Mezquita change under catholic control?


  1. Name - Why is it called what it is called? Named after someone? Word origin?
  2. People- Famous people associated with this landmark? Who built it? Who lived there? Who died there? Who is buried there?
  3. Time period- When was it built?  How long did it take to complete?  Dates of important events?  Any relevant history attached to this monument?
  4. History- Present/Past- What is it now?What was it then?  Why did it change?  has history changed its use and why?
  5. Architecture - Style and time period?
  6. Influence - Any other cultures, styules influenced its contruction?
  7. Contents- What is in it?  What types of works, styles?
  8. Regional Importance - How does this landmark reflect or help define the culture of this region and/or Spain as a whole?
    C.  Include two large, quality visuals
    D.  Include MLA format works cited
    E.  Date Due???
    F.  You will be required to leave a comment on the other pages after the presentations.  Make them scholarly!



  • Click on the link below to get to your landmark page and then click edit page to add your content
  • Creating a Wiki is very simple -- take a tour by visiting the links below or just dive in and figure it out
  • No one taught you how to use Facebook or MySpace or play video games, you just had to figure them out,  I am confident you can be successful at this too.


Part 2



A.  Label this section with the title Geography of  ____(your region)_____.

B.  Write a short paragraph of the prominent geographical features of the region and include a picture.

C.  Find a recipe  in Spanish or English that represents the region.  Post the recipe with a picture.  Make sure the recipe connects to the geography of your region. (1 per group member)







Group 3A

La Plaza de Toros  
El aqueducto de Segovia  
La Mezquita  
El Alhambra  
Sinagoga de Transito  
El Pilar  
El Toboso and windmills  
El arbol de Guernica  
la Sagrada Familia  
Puerta del Sol  
Santiago de Compostela  



Group 4A

Le Plaza de Toros2  
El Acueducto de Segovia2  
La Mezquita2  
El Alhambra2  
Singagoga de Transito2  
El Pilar2  
El Toboso and windmills2  
El arbol de Guernica2  
la Sagrada Familia2  
Puerto del Sol2  
Santiago de Compostela2  




Le Plaza de Toros3  
El Acueducto de Segovia3  
La Mezquita3  
El Alhambra3  
Singagonga de Transito3  
El Pilar3  
El Toboso and windmills3  
El arbol de Guernica3  
la Sagrada Familia3  
Puerto del Sol3  
Santiago de Compostela3  





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